Thursday 12 March 2015

The Curriculum at St. Peter's Secondary

The school days for learning at St. Peter's Secondary School is from Monday to Friday and the time for learning is from half past seven (7:30 am) in the morning up to two o clock (2:00 pm) in the afternoon. We do assemblies on Monday and Friday only in each week from half past seven in the morning. We also have two breaks on each day, the first break is at ten minutes past ten (10:10 am) in the morning and the last break is lunch which is at twenty five minutes past twelve (12:25 pm) in the afternoon, and each break lasts fifteen minutes.

Whole School Assembly

Subjects studied in each year group at St. Peter's Secondary School are as follows: language subjects English and Chichewa, Science subjects include Physical science & Biology, Mathematics, Computer studies and Agriculture. Humanities include Geography, Social Studies, History and Bible Knowledge. The numbers of periods for each day are nine and the total number of periods for each week are forty five. The umber of each periods for each subject depends on each class from Form One to Form Four. Each subject period per week is as follows: English 8, Biology 4, Geography 4, Agriculture 4, Physical science 4, History 4, Mathematics 6, Chichewa 6, Bible Knowledge 4, Computer studies 1 and Social Studies 4.

Form 3's Timetable

To begin with Physical Science, it has two parts which are Chemistry and Physics; Biology deals with organisms and non organisms; Mathematics  involves calculations; English comprises of Grammar and Literature; Chichewa also comprises of Grammar and Literature; Geography is divided into two: Physical and Human Economic Geography; History also is divided into two: Central Africa and World History; Agriculture involves farming and the rearing of animals; Computer studies involves Computer Packages; in Bible Knowledge we learn only three books in the Bible: the Book of Isaiah, Luke and the Acts of the Apostle; and lastly Social Studies which deals with Social & Personal Development.

Form 3A
Form 4A

During examination at St Peter’s Secondary School, all Form Four and Form Two students come in the morning and they start their exams at seven thirty to half past nine in the morning and each subject is written for two hours. The Form Three and Form One students come in the afternoon and start their exams at half past twelve to halve past two.

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