Tuesday 6 October 2015

St Peter's Concert 25 September 2015


Our Variety Show is an activity that is performed at school where students show their talents for example dancing, singing and reciting poems etc.

At St. Peter's we always have variety show three times in the session; first at the beginning of the session when we welcome those students who have just passed their JCE exams; one in the middle of the session and another one at the end of the session when the schools are closing.

Here at St. Peter's when we want to have a variety show the entertainment prefects are supposed to get the permission from the teachers and once we have been allowed we  then book the hall.

Many students like a variety show at St. Peter's. Sometimes they pay a little something at the door to enter then that money is used to pay the DJs. Sometimes we buy some prizes to give to the students who have performed well during the activities.

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