Wednesday 21 October 2015



I know what I feel like.
I do like to be you.
And feel what you do.
I do like to change places.
For maybe a week.
And look like your look-like.
And speak as you speak.
And think what you are thinking.
And go where you go.
And feel what you are feeling.
And know what you know.
I wish we could do it.
What fun it would be .
And you could try me.

 by Fora Chikolo, Form 1B

Peace and Love

Peace  and love
Peace and love
Peace and love is very important in a country
Community and a nation
No peace and love no life.

Peace and love
Peace and love
I love peace and love
If I see people have peace and love
I feel happy and joy

Peace and love
Peace and love
If in the country there is no peace and love
There is a big war in a country and there is black cloud
So that peace  and love is very important

Peace and love
Peace and love

By Lucia Soko, Form 1B


Eyes  Eyes
Eyes everywhere,
Eyes on the tall grass
That whistles and sways
To the passing wind.

Eyes on trees that
Sigh,and dance
Displaying flowers that
Pour out the aromas
Of love to the sun.

Eyes as the Loerie sings
His kok-kook song
While spreading his plumage
Of the colours of sunset
And gliding between trees.

By Mphatso Phiri , Form 1

Friday 9 October 2015


Report by Harry Nyirenda

I have a report about the game that was played Saturday between St. Peter's and Chiwavi. It was an interesting game as both teams were playing very hard.

There were a lot of people who were watching that game,the game started at 10:45am. Just after some minutes, at 11:00 o'clock St. Peter's found the first goal through me.

It was a briliant pass that nobody could expect it ,that maybe there will be a pass.Chiwavi lost a lot of chances although they managed to score one goal at 11:05 which equalised the two teams. Suddenly at 11:10 Chiwavi was given a penalty.  Through that penalty they managed to score the second goal. Later at 11:20 Chiwavi also scored the third goal  making St. Peter's 1 Chiwavi 3, that was the first half ended.

The second half started at 12:15, but what was interesting was that both teams were performing very well. Later at 12:30pm Cedrick gave a pass to me then to Cedrick later I opened a space in the eighteen yard box , after that I received the ball and managed to score the second goal making St. Peter's 2 and chiwavi 3. Just a few minutes later I handed a ball over the centre where a Chiwavi player wanted to give a pass so that maybe he can score the fourth goal, but it never succeeded. Through that I managed to keep the ball. Suddenly just 15 metres away from  eighteen yard box I shot a long ball and scored the third goal. It was unexpected because some people thought that I would give a pass; the goalkeeper failed to capture it.

Suddenly at 12:31 I ran with the ball inside the eighteen yard box then someone from Chiwavi pushed me then the referee blew the whistle and St. Peter's was given a penalty and that penalty was taken by Joseph and he managed to scored the goal for St Peters.That goal made St Peters to be 4 while Chiwavi 3.

Later by the chance Chiwavi was given a penalty.Through that penalty the outcome was sour to them because the goalkeeper, Major saved the penalty. As the time went on St. Peter's put pressure on the side of Chiwavi.  As a result Benjamin threw off the ball and the linesman pointed at the corner area. That corner kick was taken by Daniel then Peter tried to head the ball but the goalkeeper managed to save it.  The ball was almost two metres away from eighteen yard box and I took a quick shot at goal so that I could score the fifth goal for St. Peter's but the goalkeeper saved it again. Next Lawrence, the son our head master scored making the result St.  Peter's 5 and Chiwavi 3.

The game was coming to an end but the referee added extra time - four minutes.  Within two minutes Chiwavi put the ball out of play, then the referee gave a throw in to St. Peter's. St. Peter's threw in the ball and Mike gave a long pass to me and I managed to score the sixth goal which was almost eighteen metres away from eighteen yard box.

Later the referee blew the final whistle . The game ended St. Peter's 6 and Chiwavi 3. After the game end , I was selected as a Man of the Match and I was given two medals;. top goal scorer and Man of the Match.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

A Budding Poet


Crack the glass

And the crack

Will always remain.

The human heart,

Has the same vein.

It’s just as delicate

To the strain.

Once it is hurt,

It is too hard

To fade the stain.

(Form 3)

Tuesday 6 October 2015

St Peter's Concert 25 September 2015


Our Variety Show is an activity that is performed at school where students show their talents for example dancing, singing and reciting poems etc.

At St. Peter's we always have variety show three times in the session; first at the beginning of the session when we welcome those students who have just passed their JCE exams; one in the middle of the session and another one at the end of the session when the schools are closing.

Here at St. Peter's when we want to have a variety show the entertainment prefects are supposed to get the permission from the teachers and once we have been allowed we  then book the hall.

Many students like a variety show at St. Peter's. Sometimes they pay a little something at the door to enter then that money is used to pay the DJs. Sometimes we buy some prizes to give to the students who have performed well during the activities.