Wednesday 21 October 2015



I know what I feel like.
I do like to be you.
And feel what you do.
I do like to change places.
For maybe a week.
And look like your look-like.
And speak as you speak.
And think what you are thinking.
And go where you go.
And feel what you are feeling.
And know what you know.
I wish we could do it.
What fun it would be .
And you could try me.

 by Fora Chikolo, Form 1B

Peace and Love

Peace  and love
Peace and love
Peace and love is very important in a country
Community and a nation
No peace and love no life.

Peace and love
Peace and love
I love peace and love
If I see people have peace and love
I feel happy and joy

Peace and love
Peace and love
If in the country there is no peace and love
There is a big war in a country and there is black cloud
So that peace  and love is very important

Peace and love
Peace and love

By Lucia Soko, Form 1B


Eyes  Eyes
Eyes everywhere,
Eyes on the tall grass
That whistles and sways
To the passing wind.

Eyes on trees that
Sigh,and dance
Displaying flowers that
Pour out the aromas
Of love to the sun.

Eyes as the Loerie sings
His kok-kook song
While spreading his plumage
Of the colours of sunset
And gliding between trees.

By Mphatso Phiri , Form 1